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The foreign department of NSPU offers the following courses of historical sciences for foreign students - probationers

The optional course "State ideas development in Russia in XII- XX centuries"

The course represents the following: historiosophy of ancient Russian monuments, both organization and development of the theory "Saint Russia"; the development of the idea that "Moscow is the III-d Rome" in XVI - XVIII centuries; the idea of Great Russian Empire in XVIII century; "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality" as a state idea in XIX century, the idea of social justice in Russia in XX century - is it political reality or an utopia?

Candidate of history, docent Kaurkin R.V.
Russian history department

The course of lectures "The new history of both Asian and African countries"

The course (lectures and practical classes) reflects the history of China, Japan, India, Turkey and other countries during the period from XVI century up to present. Students get acquainted with Eastern Society's peculiarities, regulations of its development, revolutionary process, the formation of Asian people's new features of mentality.

The optional course for 3-year students (V-VI semesters, 17 hours)
"Mediaeval East in reflection of both literature and folk-lore monuments"

Such historical origins as original literature monuments of the East are studied. Among them: Chinese stories and tales, Indian and Persian poetry, Japanese literature of different epochs.

The optional course for 4-year students (VII semester, 17 hours)
"Russia and East at present"

The course represents the history of international relations between Russia and China, Japan, India, Iran, Turkey in the changing period of XVII - XIX centuries.

G.V.Voronkova, docent

The optional course
"The problems of both national and academic Culture of Westeuropian Middle Ages"

The course reflects the most important problems of national ("folk-lore") and academic culture (the culture of clerics) in the Middle Ages. The forms of these two layers are analyzed in the course.

Head teacher, candidate of History - T.G.Chugunova

The optional course
"Antique and Mediaeval Utopia"

The course gives the idea of the modern theory of utopia (definitions, genre specific features, functions, classification, utopism as the type of mentality), gets acquainted with the utopian models evolution: from early to ethnographical, from geographical to classical rationalistic ones in their historical retrospection.

The Head of the historical department, A.V. Hazina

The special course for 4-year students
"Methodological Revolution in both Westeuropian and American Historiography in the 1960-1970-s"

The special course aims at giving students the idea of difficult process of scientific methodology changes in the 1950-1960-s which resulted in (1968-73) a series of new tends and schools of Western historiography (new social, cultural, political, intellectual history, microhistory and so on). The purpose of this course is to make students acquainted with essential facts and tendencies of historical science development in western countries which are connected with social relations evolution, the growth of interdisciplinary connections and transition to post-nonclassical paradigm of cognition in the pointed time. One of the teacher -historian's independent assignments is mastering the skills of historiographical analysis, formation of notion apparatus which helps to analyse modern scientific conceptions.

Docent, F.V.Nickolai

The optional course for 3-year students (V semester -17 hours; VI semester (14 hours)
"The history of Present Times in the countries of both Europe and America (XVII - middle of XIX centuries)"

The essential attention is paid to studying political history of western countries. The leading problem is organization and stages of the law state formation.

Docent, E.G.Vodenisova

The optional course "The history of tax policy from Antiquity up to present"

Taxes and tax policy are the most important factors of the state. The optional course reflects the formation of taxes in the definite periods of historical development: in antique Greece, in the Rome state, in Byzantium Empire, in the Frank state, crusades financing, taxation in a Mediaeval city, tax reforms in the century of absolutism and Enlightenment and others.

Docent, V.V.Lukoyanov

The optional course "Methodological problems of historical science"

The special course give the idea of essential problems connected with historical cognition, methodology, methods of historical science and principles of their classification. The correlation of both methodology and methods of historical research is taken into consideration. The problem of a historian's language is analysed in the course.

Docent, V.V.Lukoyanov

The course of Native History

(is given in the I-st semester - 34 hours; special courses are given in the II-nd semester - 34 hours) The department of Modern Russian History offers the following special courses' topics:

1) "Eurasia: idea and practice". In this course the essential attention is paid to interpreting Russia as the kernel of Eurasian civilization - the particular geographical, socio-historical and socio-cultural community.

2) "The history of Russian intelligentsia". This course shows specific features of Russian intelligentsia formation, its role in the changing stages of Russia development is shown, the estimation of Russian intelligentsia contribution into the culture of both Europe and America. Students get acquainted with the problems for discussion concerning the intelligentsia's place and role in the modern society.

Candidate of History, docent E.L.Filchenkova

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