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The Foreign department

Education of foreigners at pedagogical university started in 1995 and continues at the preparatory department and the academic study course.

Foreigners are encouraged to apply the preparatory department from 1 October till 30 June.

  • It provides

  • Classes of the Russian language (36 hours a week in the 1st semester and 18 hours a week in the 2nd semester)
  • Classes in special subjects – chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, computer studies, drawing and others (18 hours a week in the 2nd semester).

Classes in these subjects are led by professors and university teachers.

On completing the course of studies at the preparatory department foreign students are enlisted to any faculty of Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University or any other higher educational establishment on the speciality chosen by a student.

  • Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University trains specialists in the following subjects areas:

  • philology (the Russian language as a foreign language, English, French or German and literature)
  • history
  • philosophy
  • country study and tourism
  • tourism, excursion business and ecological tourism
  • chemistry
  • biology
  • ecology
  • computer studies (computing)
  • mathematics
  • foreign language (English)
  • oligophrenopedagogics
  • special psychology
  • logopedie
  • social pedagogicl
  • psychology
  • technology and business («Information systems in business and economics»)
  • technology and business (Fine art)
  • fine art
  • domestic science course
  • technology and business (applied economics)
  • technology and business («Business foreign language – English, in the field of professional educational»)
  • physics («Information»)
  • physical culture and sport.

The course of studies, based on secondary education lasts 4 - 5 years (except the years of studies at the preparatory department).

Training in different subject areas is carried out both in special groups for foreigners (3 – 5 students) and in the groups of Russian students.

Entry is carried out on the basis of direct contracts both with organizations and persons. Fees at the preparatory department - 1600 dollars of the USA, at the main course – 1800 dollars of the USA.

  • The following documents should be enclosed (with certified translation into Russian):

  • General Certificate of Secondary Education.

  • Medical certificate: (AIDS certificate, international certificate of vaccination, notary certificate).

  • Eight photographs.

  • Passport.

  • Visa.

The University provides the hostel and free medical care for foreign students. The dining room, gymnasiums, the library, the reading-hall, laboratories are at foreign students disposal. Student group consist of 4 – 8 students. All foreign students get grants fixed by the law of the Russian Federation.

Have you chosen profession? Do you want to get higher education? Fine!

We invite you study in Russia, to one of the three largest cities of Russia – Nizhny Novgorod. The city is situated in a beautiful place, where the Russian river Oka flows into the great Russian river Volga.

More than one hundred thousand students from Russia, Turky, India, Nepal, Suria, Pakistan, China, Japan, Israel, the USA, Canada, Germany, France study in the higher institutions of Nizhny Novgorod. You can get technical, humanitarian, economic, juridical, medical and other education in them.

  • There is

  • Volzskaya Academy of Water transport
  • Medical Academy
  • Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University
  • Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University
  • Nizhny Novgorod Technical University
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University
  • Agricultural Academy
  • Building Academy in Nizhny Novgorod

You don`t know Russian?

We`ll teach you to speak and think Russian. Experienced specialists who teach foreign students the Russian language work at the Preparatory department of  Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University.

Special methodics make it possible for you not only to master the spoken Russian language but also to write lectures and read and master books on the speciality you have chosen.

  • Address:

  • Bikteeva Lolita Rafailovna (chief of the Foreign and Preparatory Departmens)

  • Tel.: /831/ 4363990

  • Fax.: /831/ 4364446

  • Email:

  • 603950 Russia, Nizhnii Novgorod, Ulianova St., 1, office 411

We help our students to get visa. After graduating the preparatory department a student may be enlisted to any higher educational institutions in Nizhny Novgorod or institutes and universities of Moscow, St Petersburg, Vladimir and other cities of Russia. On graduating the preparatory department a student gets a certificate.

We shell teach you Russian and help you choose and get profession.

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