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Shaposhnikov Leo Evgenievich

Year of birth - 1949. Has ended history-philological faculty Gorky's pedagogical Institute. In NSPU works since 1971. In 1986-1989 yy. The rector of the Belgorod teacher college. The doctor of philosophical sciences. The professor. The head chair of Philosophy. The Expert in the field of a history of Russian philosophy and orthodox divinity.

Shaposhnikov Leo Evgenievich  

It is published about 100 scientific works, including following books: "Ideology Slavophilism and modern orthodoxy (М., 1985); "Православие and philosophical idealism" (Gorky, 1986); "V.S.Soloviev and orthodox divinity" (М., 1990) etc. A number of clauses in the dictionary "Russian philosophy" (М., 1995), chapter in the manual for the students of high schools "Introduction in Russian Philosophy (М., 1995) It is published. The author more than 20 clauses and reviews. Reads rates: "a History of philosophy","religion" etc. Valid member of the International academy of sciences of a higher School, corresponding member of the International Slavic academy. The chairman of dissertational candidate advice on philosophy in NSPU. The member two doctor's and one candidate dissertational advice, member editorial board of the almanac "Veche" at the St.-Petersburg university. Is awarded with a medal "For labour valour". The deserved figure of a science of Russian Federation.
