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Head - doctor of philosophical sciences, professorð Shaposhnikov Leo Evgenievich.

On chair of philosophy of the Nizhniy Novgorod state pedagogical university per 60 years there was an interest to spiritical and historical- philosophical problematics. It has found reflection in the publications V.P.Kiselev's, E.A.Karpovsky's and is especial D.M.Lukanov's. He has protected the doctor's dissertation on a theme "Existenzial philosophy in USA and Dzhordzh Santayana" (LSU, 1983). D.M.Lukanov - author of the monographies "Hnoseology American" of realism" (M., 1968), "In impasse of the unsoluble contradictions (Critical sketch of bourgeois philosophy of USA XX of century)" (Gorky, 2 editions - 1976, 1981). Under his management V.V.Kulikov (nowadays professor head by chair of philosophy of the Chita pedagogical university) has executed first in a history of chair the dissertation devoted to a history of Russian philosophy.

From the end 70 years in a magazine "The Philosophical sciences" begin to occur L.E.Shaposhnikov's clauses devoted to the analysis of interrelation of orthodox divinity and Russian religious philosophy, all in this magazine he published ten clauses and reviews. These publications have found the response in a scientific seal, including among the foreign authors (See: Dahm H. Grundzuge russischen Denkens. Munchen. 1979. S.309-318; idem Russische Philosophie: Tradition und Gegenwart. Koln. 1980. S.17). In 1985 L.E.Shaposhnikov has published in Moscow, in publishing house "Knowledge" the brochure "Ideology slavophilism and modern orthodoxy", which in 1986 has received the incentive diploma on All-Union competition on the best product of the popular scientific literature. In the same year in Volgo-vyatky book publishing house there was a L.E.Shaposhnikov's monography "orthodoxy and philosophical idealism", on it the positive reviews in magazines "Philosophical sciences" (1987. ¹ 2) were published; "Phylosofska duma" (1987. ¹ 6).

In 1987 in Institute of philosophy of an Academy of sciences USSR in Kiev L.E.Shaposhnikov has protected the doctor's dissertation devoted to the analysis of interrelation of orthodox divinity and Russian philosophical tradition. In the dissertation for the first time in the domestic literature on the basis of the analysis of a wide circle of sources the process of phylosofization of orthodox divinity was shown. The author considers evolution of the relation of the ideologists orthodoxy to an ideological heritage slavophils, (V.S.Soloviev and P.A.Florensky), judging about "churchial" of many ideas which have been put forward by these thinkers.

  1. Per 90 years L.E.Shaposhnikov was has issued some books li>"V.S.Soloviev and orthodox divinity" (M., 1990);
  2. "Russian religious philosophy XIX-XX of centuries" (N.Novgorod, 1992);
  3. "Philosophical portraits (from a history of a domestic idea)"(N.Novgorod, 1993);
  4. "Philosophy of a history in Russia XIX century (in the co-authorship)"(N.Novgorod, 1994);
  5. "Philosophy synod"(SPb., 1996);
  6. "Philosophy and dogmatic divinity in Russia"(SPb., 1998);
  7. "of Conservatism, innovation and modernism in an orthodox idea XIX-XX of centuries"(N.Novgorod, 1999);

In 1995 there was first in Russia the encyclopaedic dictionary on Russian philosophy under the professor's M.A.Maslin's by edition. In him there were some clauses, which has written L.E.Shaposhnikov. In the same year in the manual for the students of high schools "Introduction in Russian philosophy", issued in Moscow, he has published the chapter. Under his scientific editing some interuniversity collections of the proceedings considering evolution and a modern condition of the spiritual world of the man, collections on materials of Christmas orthodox-philosophical readings, collections devoted to the analysis of interaction Islam and a modern society were issued.

Post-graduate study

On chair of philosophy NSPU in 90 years "a History of philosophy" and Philosophy of religion" successfully works post-graduate study on two specialities ". For ten years under L.E.Shaposhnikov's by a management the candidate dissertations have protected 13 men. The basic directions at scientific school, which heads L.E.Shaposhnikov, three: first is considered evolution of orthodox divinity in treatment of such problems, as by an estimation of the social relations, national self-consciousness, culture, understanding the Bible (dissertation I.V.Simonov's, O.K.Shimanskaya's, T.A.Smetanina's, O.V.Parilov's); Second - analyzes meaning of this or that representative of Russian idealistic tradition in business of development of philosophical and theological ideas in Russia (dissertation I.A.Fedotova's, A.V.Shavelev's, A.A.Fedorova's, A.S.Kurbatova's, S.V.Naumov's); third - philosophical compartiests, comparative analysis of positions of those or other representatives of Russian philosophy (dissertation I.A.Treushnikov's, Y.A.Zakunov's, E.N.Bazurina's).

L.E.Shaposhnikov was the scientific adviser by preparation of the doctor dissertations S.N.Pushkin's and A.A.Terentev's.

Communications, contacts, cooperation

At the representatives of the Nizhniy Novgorod school spiritical-experts and historians of Russian philosophy the good mutual relation was established with chair spiritical-experting of the Russian pedagogical university name A.I.Gercen. (head by chair the senior lecturer V.V.Arzhanuhin), chair of a history of Russian philosophy Sankt-Peterburg's of university (head by chair the professor A.F.Zamaleev), chair of a history of Russian philosophy of the Moscow university (head by chair the professor M.A.Maslin) L.E.Shaposhnikov, S.N.Pushkin, I.A.Fedotova, A.A.Fedorov actively participated in the interuniversity scientific programs "Russian philosophical idea as a basis of revival of the Russian morals" and "Russian philosophy as a methodological basis of development of humanitarian sciences in Russia", which is headed by the professor A.F.Zamaleev.

The Important stage in development of the Nizhniy Novgorod school spiriticalexperts of philosophy is the opening in 1999 on the basis of pedagogical university of dissertational council on protection of the candidate dissertations on a history of philosophy and philosophy of religion (chairman of council) L.E.Shaposhnikov, vice-president S.N.Pushkin, scientific secretary I.A.Fedotova).
