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CHAIR OF SOCIOLOGY AND political science

The head - doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, Lyubimova Anzhelika Borisovna.

On the basis of chair of sociology and political science by NSPU there was a scientific direction - sociology of family. Why the scientific search of the members of chair is directed on this sphere? It is connected that the family is original miñrocut of all society, reveals its conducting needs and interests. Acting simultaneously as small social group, as social institute and as a social generality, family covers all complex of problems, characteristic for a society as a whole.

Both social - moral bases of family and education of growing up generation, gender and family conflicts, social equality of floors, neufeminizm. After N.D.Shimin's departure in Voronezh his former post-graduate students, the employees of chair, - nowadays head by chair Anzhelika Borisovna Lyubimova, doctor of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer T.V.Svadbina, candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer L.N.Kaznin - have continued work on the specified subjects, considerably having expanded a spectrum of cases in point. Subject of the analysis becomes problems of interaction of the man and society in family sphere, role and functions of family as social institute in a modern society, dynamics of the Russian society and family on ways to a steady type of a civilization, theoretical and methodological aspects in the field of sociology of family, and also development of toolkit and realization of empirical researches.

Bringing in the certain creative contribution to the theory, methodology and practice of modern conducting family, the members of chair actively investigate also problems of the status of family in social - philosophical, historical and legal retrospective review, especially allocating gender aspects of sociology of family, contradiction of modern family in conditions of reforming of the Russian society, educating and sociolizing potential of family, modern family and social policy, urgent problems of social work and social management, adaptation of family to market economy, problem of female unemployment and female business, regional problems of the Nizhniy Novgorod family.

A.B.Lyubimova's the candidate dissertation "the Problem formation of social equality of the women (on experience of GDR)" (1985) was devoted to the analysis of the basic tendencies in change public and marital status of the women in GDR, components essence of process of achievement by them of social equality, revealing of a role of the various public factors in it formation, comparative consideration of the decision of the specified problems in GDR and FRG. A.B.Lyubimova's the doctor's dissertation "Problems of evolution of the status of family (the socially philosophical aspect)" (1998) represents research of problems of a marital status, its essence, structural elements, laws of genesis and evolution in a society. In the dissertation the interaction of the status of family with the conducting factors of public development, with the property and social structure of a society, labour activity, state, religion is analyzed, are considered the contents and reasons of gender distinctions of the status of family, the level of the social status of family in three basic groups of the countries of a modern society and prospect of its development is opened. According to the concept, developed in work, the level of the social status of family in a society is in back proportional dependence on volume of the rights and freedom of the person. The basic ideas of the dissertation are widely submitted in the monography "the Status of family: problems of evolution (social - philosophical aspect)" (1998), in the manual "the Person and factors it sociolizion: family, collective, education, culture"(1995), and also in more than 70 scientific works of the author.

T.V.Svadbina's the candidate dissertation "the Soviet family as object of socially philosophical research (analysis of Marks and no-Marks positions)"(1988) was devoted to study of the contradictions of the Soviet family 80 years, analysis of two images of life of family - socialist and bourgeois, conceptual - methodological distinctions in treatment sociolizing of potential of family. T.V.Svadbina's the doctor's dissertation "Family in conditions of transformation of the Russian society: the socially philosophical analysis"(2000) represents research of functioning of the Russian family in a society of a transitive type, analysis of four simultaneous processes - crisis, evolution, economic transformation and reasonable preservation of the Russian family. In the dissertation the role of family in each of three kinds of social dynamics - in the transitive period, modernization and achievement of steady development is determined, the tendencies in development monogamy are analysed on the basis of consideration of group of the contradictions between family and society, and also inside family, is offered typology of family according to ways of its adaptation to market economy, and also concept of social management. The basic ideas of the dissertation are reflected in the monography "Family and Russian society in search of updating" (2000), in the manual "Modern family: the theory, methodology, practice, forecast" (2000), and also in other publications of the author.

The L.N.Kaznin's candidate dissertation "the Problem of female emancipation in the social doctrine A.I.Gercen's" (1989) is devoted to social - philosophical problems of a floor, research of specificity of a theoretical idea of Russia XIX of century in questions of social equality of floors, analysis of Russian tradition in the decision of a problem of female clearing, originality of the concept of female emancipation A.I.Gercen's. Gender research L.N.Kaznin's have received new filling per 90 years. Now he works above a theme of the doctor's dissertation "a Female problem in Russian social idea of 2 half XIX of century". The differentiation of concepts of a floor and gender of promoted an output on a new theoretical level of judgement of a female problem as intellectual space of Russian social idea of 2 half XIX of century. A line of works of the author is devoted to the analysis of a rule the woman in conditions of social shocks, problems prostitution and sexual minority.

On results of the researches the teachers of chair for last years have published the collections of the proceedings "Hymanistic's value of a modern society", "the Man and society: problems of interaction", and also manual "the Person and factors it sociolization: family, collective, education, culture ", recommended Ministry of education of Russian Federation as the manual for the students pedagogical high schools.

The study of theoretical aspects of sociology of the family relations is the methodological basis for realization of empirical researches and development of the practical recommendations. The appropriate scientific development of collective of chair became a basis of the concepts of the social programs of regional and municipal levels, in particular of regional interdepartmental program on improvement of a situation of family, women and children on 2001 - 2003; are widely used in activity of scientific - practical laboratory on family education at urban department of education and science; in work of urban pedagogical university for the parents and class chiefs; in activity of department of social protection of the population on development and realization of the program of development of family business in the Nizhniy Novgorod edge; In preparation of families for enterprise activity on the basis of an educational consortium of Nizhni Novgorod, and also on the basis of regional Institute of management and economy agrarian - industrial complex.

The cooperation of chair with sphere of management testifies to opportunities of introduction of results of sociological researches and development in real practice of social life. The collective of chair is one of conducting research divisions in region on problems of sociology of family.

It is obvious, that the further prospect of scientific work of chair in the field of sociology of the family relations is connected as to activity post-graduate gedree, available at chair, and with creation of own sociological laboratory, that will allow to develop and to increase scientific potential of chair.

The Chair of sociology and political science by NSPU is the usual scientific collective, which has proved the ability to carry out the perspective Theoretical methodological and practical research projects.
