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Chair of cultural science

When is created?

Has arisen on September 1, 1990. It there was a first chhair among the Nizhniy Novgorod high schools, and t referred to as "histories of world and domestic culture".

Only in 2001 in connection with occurrence of the state educational standards of new generation the decision of Scientific council NSPU to it given the present name.
the Founder of chair and its first head became the candidate of historical sciences Vladimir Mikhailovich Marchenko. After his death since 1994 the chair is headed Vera Alekseevna Fortunatova, the doctor of philological sciences, professor.

What is engaged in?

This chair "serves" eight faculties of pedagogical university, and also foreign branch and centre of additional maximum education.

In connection with change of volume of the educational assignments the numerical structure of faculty varied also. In middle 90 years, when on char there "were" such fundamental educational rates, as "world art culture" and "culturology" the number of the members of chair reached eleven men. Now in connection with elimination of a rate "the world art culture" on chair works seven men.

What rates are read?

Except for reading lectures and realization of employment on culturology on chair the whole palette so-called "of rates at a choice", devoted histories of dance, architecture, design, book and others is read.

The Second direction in development of such author's rates is connected to a word "culture": "Russian spiritual culture", "culture and style", "culture of a trade". And, at last, third vector in development of special rates carries scientifically problem character and reflects a circle of scientific interests of the authors - "culture after-modernizm's", "romanticism and modernity", "MASS-MEDIA in a modern society" and others.

That makes the contents of additional specialization?

The special model of education - additional structure "World art culture"(WAC) for the students of philological and historical faculties NSPU was entered into 1994-95 educational years. For substantial filling of the educational plan on this structure the faculty has developed the whole system of educational rates:

  • the theory of culture;
  • a history of domestic art;
  • a history of foreign art;
  • a history of theatre, musical culture;
  • a technique of teaching WAC, Russian ethnic culture;
  • urgent problems of culturology;
  • a technique of teaching WAC;

By 2001 about 150 graduates NSPU have received an additional speciality "the teacher WAC".

How the chair participates in education of the students?

For the first time in high school practice the system of free-of-charge subscription service
of the students on various directions   of general cultural development is created.

Since 1996 the complex program cultural and aesthetic interaction of chair with the Nizhniy Novgorod academic theatre of an opera and ballet is carried out.

The Subscription "Theatre -the education" allows the students and their teachers of time per one month to be on performances of this theatre, to discuss heard and seen on special employment.

Since 2000 one more purposeful subscription "a Museum - education" works which gives an opportunity to the students of different rates and faculties to carry out the employment in halls of the Nizhniy Novgorod state art museum.

The results of such efforts speak for themselves. Only one example:


"Dear Victor Andreevich and Vera Alekseevna!
We inform you, that the students NSPU: Malanova Irina (1 year), Gugunava Zurab (1 year, Nechaeva Elena (5 year), Bulatova Larisa (5 year) and others became the winners in competition of an essay spent within the framework of an exhibition "of Feature of difference" from a collection of the British Council.

Director of the Nizhniy Novgorod State Art Museum V.N.Krivova"

Regular became of meeting   of the students of pedagogical university with the students of a conservatory. the Pianists and musical experts, the young executors willingly act before our audience. Certainly, the organizational efforts are necessary for this purpose on the part of chair.
Working under the motto "All muses in the visitors will be to us" the employees of chair respond together with the students to all exhibitions and interesting meetings, which will be carried out by the Nizhniy Novgorod branch of a State museum of modern art.
November 22-24, 1999 at the Mordovian state university passed III final round of the All-Russia student's Olympiad on culturology, in which the students studying the appropriate discipline have taken part. Seven high schools of Russia have taken part in competition. Among   of eight competitive tasks were of new character: 1. Performance; 2. The comparative analysis of culturology's texts; 3. A figurative line

Where the chair finds the experts?

It prepares their!

On chair is open post-graduate study on two scientific specialities:

  • 10.01.03 - "the Literature of the peoples of the countries of foreign countries ";
  • 24.00.01 - "the Theory and history of culture";

Dynamics of protection of the andidate and doctor's dissertations for last five years looks as follows:

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1995 doct. Vera Alekseevna Fortunatova Functioning of tradition in prose of DDR and FRD 60-80-õ of years
1999 cand. Nataliya Vyacheslavovna Novikova T.A.Gofman's Romantic tradition in M.A.Bulgakov's creativity
1999 cand. Elena Victorovna Matveeva Functions of an image of colour in prose of FRD 60-80-õ of years
2000 cand. Irina Ivanovna Lukicheva Existenseal problem in G.Bell's creativity
2000 cand. Elena Robertovna Kirdyanova leit-motif in short stories of Teodor Shtorm
2001 cand. Olga Nikolaevna Shepina Semantics of art space in the novel Dzhejn Osten "Mansfild-park"
2001 cand. Ekaterina Vladimirovna Guseva Cultural unit "road": attrubutes and semantic properties

Now on faculty eleven post-graduate students and three competitors are trained.

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The Chair of cultural science heads Centre social and arts education NSPU, created  on March 20, 1995. Its scientific management is carried out by the first pro-rector Leo Evgenievich Shaposhnikov, the executive director of the Centre is V.A.Fortunatova.
The edition of the between-chairs collections "the Spiritual world of the person", realization of integrational of examination   on socially humanitarian disciplines, discussion of the issued monographies, meeting on scientific forums - all it and much another makes the contents of work of the Centre, promoting consolidation of the teachers, working at pedagogical university, of humanitarian sciences.

And at chair the Methodological seminar works, on the basis of which < font color="Maroon">the annual meetings with related faculties of other high schools and with the teachers of schools, grammar schools special educational institutions are organized . At last meeting in 2001 the motto of such work was accepted:
"Culturologers, be united!"

Why, really, there is no union ùf culturologers?

We want to be presented

Vera Alekseevna Fortunatova
The head by chair, doctor of philological sciences, professor, valid member of academy of humanitarian sciences, honourable worker of maximum education of Russia. Area of scientific interests - cultural ôntropology.

Fortunatova Vera Alekseevna

Smetanina Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Tatiana Alekseevna Smetanaina
The candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer. Reads a rate of culturology. Is profound is engaged in questions of world religions, orthodoxy, spiritcs

Nataliya Vyacheslavovna Novikova
The candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer. Reads conducting lecture rates and author's special rate "The culture and style". Studies problems pedagogical ñonflictology. Develops principles of teaching of culture at school and in high school.

Novikova Nataliya Vyachesavovna

Lukicheva Irina Ivanovna

Irina Ivanovna Lukishova
Cand.Phil.Sci., the senior teacher. Reads rates "International Art Culture" and "Cultural Science", supervises over scientific work of students, studies innovational pedagogical technologies. Especial interest to problems of plastic culture and art of dance

Larisa Anatolevna Shestakova
The doctor of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer. Is pluralist (basic place of work - NSABA). The scientific attention is concentrated on   cultural development of the child, on a role of MASS-MEDIA in life of a modern society. The author of many publications on the named problems.

Shestakova Larisa Anatolevna

Safonova Nataliya Vladimirovna

Nataliya Vladimirovna Safonova
The grown-up  laboratore assistant of ñhair, post-graduate student. Is engaged in study ùf culturological aspects of time. Is interested in theatre and architecture. Has good experience of work at school.

Olga Nikolaevna Shepina
The candidate of philological sciences, senior teacher, head by an educational department of correspondence branch NSPU. Professional äibrary expert. The scientific interest is arrested on modern aspects of culturological geography.

Shepina Olga Nikolaevna

The contact information:

The address:

off. 323, 1,Ulianova, N.Novgorod,603005

The telephone:

36-04-90, additional 279
